Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My First Award

This morning I got a wonderful surprise for my blog. Suma Rajesh has awarded me with the "BLOGGING FRIENDS FORVER AWARD". I really appreciate that. This is my first award. I am very happy. Thank you so so so so much Suma. It means a lot to me.

The following rules apply to this award:
1. Only 5 people are allowed to receive this award
2. 4 of them followers of your blog.
3. One has to be new to your blog and live in another part of the world.
4. You must link back to who ever gave you the award.
Since my blog is relatively new, I am not very sure if I have any followers, but still, I choose:
5. Sireesha: she is new and in France.


  1. Thank u soooo much sanhita for thinking of me and passing the award to me.......So Nice of U:))

  2. Congrats on ur first award dear! and thanks for thinking of me :) - have posted my award post at http://foodwithapinchoflove.wordpress.com/2008/07/29/blogging-friends-forever-award/

  3. Thankyou dear for passing on the award to me.Nice that I came to know of your blog.I am very happy that these days young girls get interested in cooking too,however busy they are.Keep going

  4. Full on!!! Ma checked blog yet?
